
Name: Erko Aasma

Born: 1975
Day job: financial specialist
Email: erko [@] erkoaasma.ee
I started to take my interest in photography more seriously in 2005. In the summer I bought myself very first dSLR camera with a kit lens. After clicking away few hundred shots I dived in internet for weeks and read countless of websites and forums to learn how to take photos and how to master the technicalities of digital capture. By now I am mainly focusing on landscape and nature photography. Mostly because I just love being outdoors. I enjoy hiking and to be in places untouched by human influence. I constantly look for light, shapes and colors to create photos of the moments I experience in nature. Every now and then I manage to break from my usual path and take a photo of people or cityscape or from an event. I have been a faithful Nikon user from the day one. Today I use Nikon D700 camera and collection of Nikkor lenses.